
The harmony and the order of chaos

By Moschos Emmanuel Lagouvardos
Translation from greek, Google

"The soul of us as sparrow errysthi
of the trap predators. "

There is order in chaos? In this small essay we present some examples and order and harmony of chaos. A vivid example is the first example of patience, aorgisias and lighting show Greeks in artificial economic crisis imposed on us by the "allies" and "state" turning Greece and the Greek Animal!

Example of order to the chaos was the earthquake in Thessaloniki in Thessaloniki The quake brought chaos in the early days. After the earthquake Thessalonians self-organized. Both my grandmother sat quietly in one and the other end of the scene as if it were learned from everything in life on earth. My father who did not lose anything on the midday sleep, either in the earthquake changed life and continued the good habit of lying on the ground! In afodeftiria formed long queues, like, good hours, is the banks and nobody complained.

Another example of order and harmony of chaos is the Gospel that time: "now that time He entered Jesus at home any way the rulers of the Pharisees sabbath fagein bread, and they were Observed him. And suddenly the man not dropsical before him. And Jesus said to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying. exesti Hey sabbath cure. are not reassured. And epilavomenos iasato him and fired. answered and said unto them. YOU Whose son or ox fall into a shaft, and quite a direct elevation in this the Sabbath day? And my applied antapokrithinai him to these things. "

(One Sabbath Jesus went to someone's house lord Pharisee to eat and the Pharisees watched. Then he stood in front of a man suffering from dropsy. Jesus took the floor and asked the lawteachers and the Pharisees: "You may be the treatment saturday? "They have not replied. Jesus got sick, healed and left him to leave. Then he told them:" Which of you, when dropping the child or his ox into the well and will recover soon? "And there able to respond.)

The Pharisees have the appearance of acting class that derives from obedience to the law, but in the soul of chaos. Obedience to the law does not allow the slightest breach. The law requires perfection, but in which no one can reach. The Lord likens graves outside is whitewashed and clean, but inside are full of filth and stench.

Once in Kalymnos I despaired because I was looking and could not find a home in good neighborhood, and most importantly with sea views. The spiritual friend of Robert advised me not to rent a house in good neighborhood with sea views. If you live in a good neighborhood with sea views, he said, where would you go to the ride you glad?

I think now that Greece is not our good neighbors, but all hopes and expectations are open before her, enough to find people with a brave heart that will work for good and not for archomania and their avarice.

We found from our sins by the Greeks in the rankings. Many despair. As they can not repeal stupid laws and agreements are perverted. In the chaos we have our hope in God. The Lord lives. We rely on the Lord and discover a new perspective.

Some beneficial effects of chaos as examples of order and harmony of chaos:
1st. People come closer to God.
2nd. People come closer to each other.
3rd. Cease the humiliation and contempt for old people leaving
nursing homes and unite with their children.
4th. The world turns in the villages and is hoping to revitalize agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries etc. if the lords who rule the place understand what is the interest of the country and if they let those who direct them.
5th. The order and harmony of chaos is evident in periods when poverty instead of despairing look within ourselves and review our lives. Poverty is proactive when it is a path to salvation.
6th. An order and harmony of chaos is also the answer to the dilemma of modern man to follow a proactive poverty and insanity, or retreat.

"You are working on non-vrosin the apollymenin, but the vrosin menousan eternal life," says the Gospel.

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