
The Greatest Lesson

By Moschos Emm.Lagouvardos
Translated by Fane Karatzu

Reacting against terrorism usually enhances terrorism. The world can only hope that it can be saved from terrorism only when the circumstances, which nurture it, stop existing, when famine, injustice and oppression are eliminated. Education must aim at creativity, a creative being. Today’s educational systems ignore freedom and creativity and they aim only at productivity, at the excessive increase in production. The Earth can feed all people without the use of destructive technology. Scientists are already studying the potentiality of producing pure nuclear energy free from negative effects on the environment (cold fusion). It is considered a moral problem. Many consider the example of Jesus resistance to violence as unrealistic. It seems that the time when people won’t have any other choice is approaching, since those who use violence have such destructive power at hand (nuclear energy).

If terrorists are in the position to achieve such great injury, as their last action in the USA has proven, and to provoke such a reaction, we can imagine what is going to happen, with the weapons used by those who are attacked by terrorism.

The world is afraid that a lunatic may appear who will make use of nuclear weapons. We hope that such a man will never exist. However with the terrorist’s blows, someone can be made mad with anger or fear or panic. I wonder is this what they are working towards. The means of propaganda through daily use of brainwashing develop a controlled way of life. And the public accepts this model. If no one is willing to live freely, if we ignore freedom in the sense of delivering us from evil, where should we search for a solution to our daily problems?

The innocent victims of terrorist actions are the contemporary martyrs. Their sacrifice won’t be futile if the world understands that the answer to violence and terrorism is the creation of works, which enhance justice and legality in the world and generally in civilization. The Commandment of Christ not to put up any resistance to the Evil One means not responding to barbarity with barbarity. All those of goodwill are waiting for America to teach the world a lesson: to turn the other cheek, meaning that it should fight for the prevalence of justice, peace and legality in the world more than for the imperative punishment of the guilty.

(From the book The lonliness of the nighty sentry)

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